Let’s get cracking!!!
Step 1: Set Up MetaMask
Install MetaMask
Download the MetaMask wallet as a browser extension or mobile app.
Set up your wallet, securely storing your recovery phrase.
Add BASE Network to MetaMask
Go to Settings > Networks > Add Network in MetaMask.
Enter the BASE network details:
Network Name: Base
New RPC URL: https://mainnet.base.org
Chain ID: 8453
Currency Symbol: ETH
Block Explorer URL: https://basescan.org
Save and switch to the BASE network.
Step 2: Fund Your MetaMask Wallet
Buy Ethereum (ETH)
Purchase ETH from a centralized exchange (e.g., Coinbase, Binance).
Withdraw ETH to your MetaMask wallet address.
Bridge ETH to Base ETH
Use the Base Bridge.
Connect your MetaMask wallet, transfer ETH from Ethereum to BASE.
Step 3: Use a DEX to Buy NAH
Visit the Supported DEX
Go to a BASE-compatible DEX like Uniswap (check Dexscreener for the link). https://dexscreener.com/base
Find NAH
Paste the official NAH token contract address (from StrayaCoin’s website or official announcements) into the token search bar.
Swap ETH for NAH
Select ETH as the input token and NAH as the output token.
Enter the amount of ETH you want to swap.
Confirm the Transaction
Click Swap, and MetaMask will prompt you to confirm.
Check the gas fees (low on BASE) and approve the transaction.
Step 4: Add NAH to MetaMask
In MetaMask, click Import Tokens.
Paste the NAH contract address to add it to your wallet.
That’s It!